Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9th 2007

Hey...I can't seem to sign into Yahoo and I'm getting frustrated. I couldn't get in last night either...uuggg! I need to check my e-mail!

Well, more school work for Lexi today, then out to see the horse and hope to be home this evening. (or maybe even go to church)

CK stepped on Lexi's foot yesterday...the longer he stood there the more she realized he wasn't moving! I had to run in through the gate and push him off her. By then of course she was in tears. Nothing broken though, thank God. Needless to say we came home and ordered her a new pair of boots that would protect her feet better. Plus she needed slip on boots anyway. (pic is of boots we ordered)
4-H is having their horse show this weekend. Not sure if we are going though. Lexi isn't old enough to participate in the show, but old enough to be in the classes...doesn't make sense. Anyway we'll either go and watch or just go practice on her horse.
Anyway...thats all for now......

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