Friday, October 19, 2007


Hey what a week, ...last weekend was Parelli their words "The Parelli method allows horse lovers at all levels and disciplines to achieve: success without force, partnership without dominance, teamwork without fear, willingness without intimidation, and harmony without coercion. " It was truly amazing to watch!!! The picture of horses here is them "playing" not fighting. It was like watching the horse whisperer Live! We drove to Jacksonville, FL which should have been a 3 hr drive but due to a few little matters it took more like 5hrs! LOL 5pm traffic in Orlando, 20 minute wait to eat at Chilli's off the highway- it just sounded so much better than golden arches!! Then we got lost and went to the wrong hotel, then we got directions and figured out where to go and the gas light came on causing us to get off the route we were on risking getting lost again to find a gas station in a really nice area of town...not. I can't believe I'm telling all this, but it was all pretty funny and made for more of a memorable adventure!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lexi's tooth came out!!!

Yeah!! After much wiggling her front tooth fell out Wed. night after church.
Also pics from MOSI on Tuesday!

Busy few days...

Tuesday we had Science classes at MOSI. Lexi learned about Volcanoes and did the old trick with the baking soda and vinegar to make the volcano erupt. Brandon learned about rainbows, clouds and rain, we made a real cute mobile craft but he didn't like it so he tore it up. Gottta love it. :) lol
. was Luv a horse....Lexi learned how to check the horses stool for sand and dirt and how it can be very dangerous to the horses health. (gross but necessary) One of the horses got spooked while we were there. causing the horse next to it to get upset and the first horse ripped the fence he was tied to right out of the ground...the other horse bumped into a metal gate next to it and got caught on a hook and tore her hip. :( scary and sad but no one was hurt other than the horse and she'll be ok. She got stitches and she'll be on an antibiotic for 10 days. I'm posting pics of another friend and her horse Romeo. (cute pics)
Wed. night was church and then when we returned Lexi Finally got her from tooth out! Picture included!!
Today we've been schooling and then we have Karate' this afternoon.
Last night I borrowed a new picture book from my friend who is a cancer survivor. The book is The Faces of Breast Cancer. The book is $50 and ALL proceeds go to the Susan G. Komen 3 day.
The photographer has done some amazing photos including a dear friend of mine! Check out her on her blog and scroll down to the cover of the book.
If you get a chance to get or see this book, it's really moving!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday...weekend update....

Friday we had a park date with our home school group. I went alone which I admit I'm not crazy about, but I met some amazing women!! My daughter made a new friend and Brandon met up with a little boy he had played with last month at the park day and had a blast! I brought 2 of his Tonka trucks to play with in the sand and they loved it! (the boys):) This group is such a blessing to be apart of! I never would have met these people if Lexi was still in private school.
Sat. we worked around the house and Matt worked on fixing up our rental property. He's cleaning it up and making some changes before the next tenant moves in. (his cousin)
Sun. Matt went back and worked on the property some more and later went jet skiing with a friend....the kids and I went to Sea World with another family we know and had a blast! Sea World has their Halloween Spooltackular going on right now, which we were not aware of when we headed there, however it truned out to be a extra treat for the kids. They were given free trick-or-treat bags and they had different spots set up where the kids got free candy. Everything was very friendly and nothing scary at all! (which I prefer anyway) :)
The kids got fake tattoos and face paintings courtesy of our friends....he works for Budweiser and they had a family day for their employees. The kids were so excited (ie: funny pic of Brandon and our friend Gary with matching tattoos and Lexi with face painted)
We had a really fun time with a great bunch of people. Although we weren't with Matt he too had a good day getting stuff done at the duplex and then went out jet skiing with a buddy and had a blast. His friend had never been on a jet ski before and absolutely loved it!
Lastly...Lexi has her 2 fron top teeth loose! I'm sure one of them will be out before morning....I'm sure there will soon be pictures of the gap:) lol

Fish update and animal pics....

Ok, lets see....I'm adding an updated picture of the baby fish (mollies) They are 1 week old now and have grown quite a bit! It's really neat to see them change so fast.
Just for fun I've added some pictures of our other babies...(for those that don't know)..we have 4 dogs! 2 Siberian Huskies, 1 German Shepard and 1 mutt (aka "pig")..... shown are the Shepard "Riley" and one of the Huskies "Shadow".

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Ok before I vent I must first say that I have wonderful children that I love with all my heart......but.....why is it that they translate "NO" to "keep fussing and whining and asking the same thing over and over again."? I feel like I'm gonna blow, but I know thats what Satan wants me to do and I'm fighting it!! off to keep praying and make dinner....more blogging later.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Friday morning....going to the park with a home school group today. Little guy is on the computer and daughter is making little attempt to put her laundry away. It seems easier to question how and complain than to try to solve the problem, but she'll get it!
Lexi just came out with a towel wrapped over her was in with her shorts she's putting away. She said "mom this towel shrunk big time!""It used to wrap all the way around your body and now it barley covers me." I busted out laughing...she had wrapped a Dish towel around her thinking it was a bath towel! LOL The things kids come up with, I love it!
Well, off to get ready, than to Walmart and home for school work.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Wed. Horse 4-H

Wed. was Love-a-horse again for 4-H. The farrier was there changing shoes on one of the horses. The kids groomed their assigned horses..(Lexi worked on Jessie James again):) and then Mrs. Wilkes showed them how to care for and clean the saddles. They oiled them down and got nice a dirty! LOL Lastly she showed them how to take care of an abscess one of the horses had on his back hoof; by soaking it in epson salt and then the put a special ointment on it and wrapped it.
Lexi seemed to have gotten overheated whlie at Horse...however we think she may have gotten a bug because she was sick all day Wed. and we're staying home from Karate' today just to make sure and to rest. We have a playdate at the park Friday with one of our homeschool groups and I don't want her to miss that. Hope everyone out there reading this is well! God Bless!
Just a Note: You can click on any of these photos I post to see them larger. :)

Jet Skiing

Here are some pics from last week. We took our friends Jackie and Stephanie out on the jet skiis and tow able raft. The girls had a blas but were quite sore the next day from getting thrown out of the raft. Lexi rode once with Stephanie in the raft, but she's almost too small. They had to sit together in one seat so Lexi wouldn't fly out.
Lexi had Love-A-Horse coming soon............

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

More baby pics....

Just tried to get some photos edited so you could see the babies better.

Sophia had babies!

Sophia (our fish):) is a Balloon Molly and she gave birth to at least 24 babies last night! Mollies are one of few types of fish that give birth to live fish rather than laying eggs. It was really fun to watch! The kids were so excited!! After about 2-3 hours and we thought she was done with labor she had to be moved out of the netted area so she wouldn't eat her babies. I have pictures here for you to see mama while she was in labor (you can see how huge her belly is!!) then, pics of the babies and lastly another pic of mom after she was taken away from the babies. (you can tell her belly looks less swollen already) Anyway, just wanted to share our exciting event...I'll write more later.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Book Club

I'm going to try this new Book Club/Bible study, feel free to join if it's something you might be interested in . It's through Lisa Whelchel's website.

More blogging later, Lexi doesn't want to do school work today and I'm about to pull my hair out.
Pray for us, I'll write more later. :)