Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday Night

Hey just posting s few pics of my jewelry pieces I have on hand.

We had a busy but not eventful Saturday. Hubby washed the dogs, daughter vaccuumed for me, son played and I worked on the flowered lamp from HGTV I saw. Pictures to come.... I need to buy more flowers to put on it, but so far it's cute.
Had dinner with some friends of ours and had a great time. Our son slept the entire time and our daughter played with our friends and had a blast. It was like "aunt and uncle time" and she really needed that. :) Thanks guys!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Night ......

Ok, here is my first attempt at "fusing" glass. I'm not please with it, but I missunderstood and thought I was going to a "slumping class". I now know the difference. This is a suncatcher and fusing is 'flat". "slumping" is where the "fused" item takes the shape of a bowl, plate or something other than flat. I can however use fusing with the jewelry to make pendants so it wasn't a wates of class by any means, I just didn't have the right idea in my head when I got to class. I'm a bit of a planner- need ideas in head before starting. :)

Ok, we saw Ratatouille and it was cute! The kids really enjoyed it. My only complaint was that the rat "Remy" didn't "talk" to Linguini. It was enough to accept that he was having the rat help him cook, and Remy talks to the other rats so why couldn't he talk to Linguini? Even in private times? Oh well...just a movie.:)

Working on the shed Sat. and a lamp for my daughter that I saw on HGTV (pic above),1793,HGTV_3545_1482745,00.html

Take care~

First day in the world of blogging...

Well I set up my blog last night so I figured I'd start writing today. No big jewelry plans, as I'm taking my 2 kids to see "Ratatouille". Then pick of a fused glass piece I made, and lastly to the library to return our books (on time for a change):) I'm planning to clean out our shed this weekend as hubby says he's taking next week off to work on my studio. Keep your fingers crossed! Hope to post more jewelry pics in the days to come, have lots of pieces I'm sitting on and need to get out for the world to see.

I'd love to hear from you and please feel free to check out my Etsy shop, website in progress and send any questions you may have. I loook forward to getting involved with the blog world. Have a great day, I'm sure I'll post more tonight...there's usually something cute or funny to tell about the kids by the end of the day if not jewelry news. :)