Friday, October 19, 2007


Hey what a week, ...last weekend was Parelli their words "The Parelli method allows horse lovers at all levels and disciplines to achieve: success without force, partnership without dominance, teamwork without fear, willingness without intimidation, and harmony without coercion. " It was truly amazing to watch!!! The picture of horses here is them "playing" not fighting. It was like watching the horse whisperer Live! We drove to Jacksonville, FL which should have been a 3 hr drive but due to a few little matters it took more like 5hrs! LOL 5pm traffic in Orlando, 20 minute wait to eat at Chilli's off the highway- it just sounded so much better than golden arches!! Then we got lost and went to the wrong hotel, then we got directions and figured out where to go and the gas light came on causing us to get off the route we were on risking getting lost again to find a gas station in a really nice area of town...not. I can't believe I'm telling all this, but it was all pretty funny and made for more of a memorable adventure!

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